Rikin Patel of 4117 Main St, Whitehall, PA 18052 is a business owner who opened his pharmacy after graduating from the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy.
A lot of business owners get into their business simply because they do not want to have a boss. They would often have the same duties and responsibilities they would have if they were an employee.
Viewing a business as the final goal is a big mistake. Operating a business is a process. It can’t be an achieved goal. It is a path and a tool to achieving many other goals, yet a lot of people are so excited about having their own business that they forget to answer the question about what is next.
You never want to marry your business or spend twenty-four hours a day operating a business. You need to focus on your goals.
Most people want their businesses to provide freedom, financial independence, and security. It is somewhat ironic that in order to achieve their goals, they have to systematically decrease the dependency of business on them. This is the secret of achieving freedom and financial independence through business.
If the decrease of dependency doesn’t happen, the owner of a business eventually finds out that he or she traded the old boss for a number of new ones. The new bosses are the clients, the employees, investors, suppliers, lenders, and government agencies.
The solution is to let the business mature. An immature business relies solely on its owner. It the early days of a business this is fine, and may even be necessary. However, with passing of time this dependency needs to decrease and the owner needs to be able to rely on his or her employees just like Rikin Patel of 4117 Main St, Whitehall, PA 18052 does at his pharmacy.
A lot of business owners get into their business simply because they do not want to have a boss. They would often have the same duties and responsibilities they would have if they were an employee.

You never want to marry your business or spend twenty-four hours a day operating a business. You need to focus on your goals.
Most people want their businesses to provide freedom, financial independence, and security. It is somewhat ironic that in order to achieve their goals, they have to systematically decrease the dependency of business on them. This is the secret of achieving freedom and financial independence through business.
If the decrease of dependency doesn’t happen, the owner of a business eventually finds out that he or she traded the old boss for a number of new ones. The new bosses are the clients, the employees, investors, suppliers, lenders, and government agencies.
The solution is to let the business mature. An immature business relies solely on its owner. It the early days of a business this is fine, and may even be necessary. However, with passing of time this dependency needs to decrease and the owner needs to be able to rely on his or her employees just like Rikin Patel of 4117 Main St, Whitehall, PA 18052 does at his pharmacy.